The mission of CAFE is to advance transformational change to create vibrant, sustainable, supportive and inclusive communities for all generations.

CAFE will accomplish this by providing technical assistance, consultation, applied research access, and community organizing synergy to assist communities to become intentional about the global Age-Friendly initiative and develop plans, infrastructure and programs to successfully implement the WHO’s eight domains.

CAFE promotes policies, programs and services that improve quality of life as we age, and enhance respect, understanding and engagement in our diverse, multigenerational communities.

The Center for Age-Friendly Excellence was founded:

    • to develop and study Los Altos and Los Altos Hills as model age-friendly cities “living labs” and extend a positive and supportive influence of evidence-based practice to surrounding communities in the states of California, Oregon, nationally and globally.
    • to leverage o ur expertise and experience to expand frontiers of well-being of older persons within intergenerational, livable communities.
    • to serve as a home for public and private resource generation, tangible and measurable best practice projects, and multi-media distributed information to promote vital and vibrant communities for older people and all generations.
    • to be a force for transformational change in creating healthy, active, sustainable, and engaged communities wherein older persons may pursue happiness.
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